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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
1505 KDIS Notice [Notice] Special Lecture by Professor Edward T. Jennings JR... Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 jennings_cv.pdf 193
1504 KDIS Notice [Special Seminar] Role of Education and Innovation Policy in.. Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 (June 18) Tentative Program.docx 190
1503 KDIS Notice [Fall 2013 Admissions]Results of Document Review Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 199
1502 KDIS Notice [Notice] Saemaeul Training for Foreign Students in Korea(6.2.. Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 3개의 첨부파일 200
1501 KDIS Notice 국정과제 인포그래픽스 Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 2개의 첨부파일 199
1500 KDIS Notice [Korean Only] CAMPUS Asia Outbound Summer Program 참가자 선발 Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 4개의 첨부파일 212
1499 KDIS Notice [Notice] 2013 Song & Dance Festival Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 2013 Song & Dance Application Form.pdf 197
1498 KDIS Notice [Notice] KF-EAI Korea Friendship (5.13~8.8) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 253
1497 KDIS Notice [Notice] 2013 Oriental Ceramic Exhibition (5.29~6.21) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 200
1496 KDIS Notice [Notice] Relocation of the Seoul Immigration Sejongno Branch.. Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-06 195