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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3385 GMP Notice [GMP] 가을파견 준비사항 안내 KIM, Hyun Joo 2019-03-27 427
3384 Academic Notice Application for Graduation Eligibility Review of 2019 Spring.. Han,Yoo Rim 2019-03-25 314
3383 Academic Notice Academic Status Change for 2019 Summer term (Leave of absenc.. Han,Yoo Rim 2019-03-25 285
3382 Cafeteria Weekly menu for FTLounge (03.25 ~ 03.30) 2019-03-24 Food for thought lounge 5nd week 1.pdf 301
3381 Student Forum Board Special Lecture “Trade liberalization and labor market resp.. ELIZALDE SANCHEZ, Ilyana Itzel 2019-03-18 Labor_Dynamics.pdf 304
3380 Student Forum Board IRF-Special lecture on; North Korea -U.S. Talk, Its Impact o.. REZWANI, Mohammad Arif 2019-03-18 290
3379 GMP Notice [GMP] Univ. of Birmingham 제휴대학 설명회 결과 요약 KIM, Hyun Joo 2019-03-18 338
3378 Cafeteria Weekly Menu for FTLounge 2019-03-17 2개의 첨부파일 302
3377 KDIS Notice [KDISCHOOL] New Student Cafeteria Announcement Park Minah 2019-03-15 [Notice]New Student Cafeteria.pdf 382
3376 Student Notice [Korean Only] 2019 불가리아 정부초청 장학생 선발 안내 Eunseo Kim 2019-03-13 4개의 첨부파일 311