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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
1526 Student Club Summer Activities report of KDIS guitar masters club Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 4개의 첨부파일 247
1525 Student Club KDIS Taekwondo Club Activity Report Summer 2013 Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 KDIS Taekwondo Club_summer report.docx 234
1524 KDIS Notice 2013 Tuition has been decieded by committee of tuition revie.. Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 2012 제1차등록금심의위원회 회의록.pdf 244
1523 KDIS Notice 교육 현장 국민불편과제 발굴 협조 Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 2개의 첨부파일 251
1522 KDIS Notice 2013 Fall Research Project Evaluation Schedule (Thesis/Capst.. Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 2개의 첨부파일 256
1521 KDIS Notice [Notice] Special Lecture by Prof. Katsuji Okachi (July 26) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 238
1520 KDIS Notice 2014학년도 봄학기 CAMPUS Asia 프로그램 파견학생 모집 Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 355
1519 KDIS Notice [Notice] Special Lecture by Prof. Keun LEE(July 17) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 249
1518 KDIS Notice [Koreans ONLY] The 2nd Academic Essay Contest (KNDA) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 KNDA 학술논문 작성방법.hwp 250
1517 KDIS Notice [Notice] Special Lecture by Dr. Bindu N. Lohani (July 3) Hyun Min Sung 2012-12-07 251