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Korean Alumni News


  • Category기타소식
  • NameKim, Younghwa
  • Date2016-01-02 00:00
  • Hit503
  • Name: CHUNG, Joo-Hyung (1998 MBA)
  • Company: Marpple
  • Address: MARIO TOWER #605, 28, Digital-ro 30-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Contact: 1566-9437
  • Alumni Benefits: Offers additional discounted rates for KDI School family
  • Website: www.marpple.com




Marpple is the first and the largest internet based custom apparel company in Korea.

Having an outstanding team of high-end IT programmers and developers in the company, Marpple combines various design contents with fashion on the web/mobile based on the advanced technology and fashion insight. We are creating a whole new concept called “CSPA(Customized Specialty Retailer of Private Label Apparel Brand) by combining design contents and IT with advantages of fast fashion in pursuit of opportunity to create blue ocean for service globalization.


We are dedicated to providing beautifully-printed one-of-a-kind goods based on a variety of contents and creative ideas. Marpple is a commerce platform where people can customize and buy designs of of_officially licensed brands and professional artists as well as their own creations.


At Marpple, we provide the whole new experience for our customers through web and mobile platform that makes custom apparel design online easier. Our online platform is optimized and tailored for various devices to achieve global competitiveness of our service, taking advantage of big data and improvement of information technology.