Human Right Counseling Service

About Counseling Service
If you think sexual harassment, sexual assault or human rights violations have occurred, and you are experiencing psychological difficulties because you cannot tell others about your grievances, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Human Rights Center listens to your concerns and seeks to solve them together. The Human Rights Center will make every effort to keep your personal information and counseling details confidential during counseling service. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email at any time.
Main Topics
Rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment (i.e., unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature), dati ng violence, stalking, trauma from sexual violence, and issues regarding sexuality (e.g., sexual orientation) and gender identity.
Various kinds of human rights issues at the university, such as unfair treatment, harassment, discrimination based on race, nationality, and disabilities.
Complaints about unfair actions or unreasonable administrative system of the university, conflicts between members of the SNU. This service is eligible for all KDI School students, academic staff(faculty), and administrative staff.
Report Mechanism

request for counseling
Initial counseling
counseling and support advice, psychological support
Reporting the incident or seeking/providing support for an alternative remedy
Decision making
Mediation & Arbitration
Inquiry committee
Remedies based on the investigation and deliberations
1. What is an initial counseling service? Does it mendatory?
A: Initial counseling is a service provided to help you understand a case clearly and the case-solving process.
The Human Rights Center listens to individuals’ concerns and questions through initial counseling and helps victims to decide on the most appropriate problem-solving method and support in the current situation.
Therefore, we recommend use of our initial counseling service before an individual makes a report or requests a solution.
2. Is counseling service confidential?
A: The Human Rights Center does not disclose the personal information of the individual who received the counseling service and the details of the counseling.
The Human Rights Center will not disclose or divulge any data that may expose the identity of the person concerned without justifiable reasons, so an individual can consult with confidence.
3. What actions can be taken form The Human Rights Center against the doer?
A: Victims can ask the Human Rights Center to take action against the incident in the way they want.
Actions include education of the doer, separation, and a request for an apology.
However, in the case of disciplinary action, after the committee hears the victim''s appeal, the appropriate committee will decide on the corrective action.
4. Can a third party report the incident? or Can I report the incident anonymously?
A:Yes, you can report as a third-party or anonymously.
However, please note that in this case, there may be restrictions on the resolution of the case.
The Human Rights Center provides the following education to improve human rights sensitivity of all KDIS members All members are required to complete legal compulsory education on human rights issues every year. In addition, the Human Rights Center can provide human rights education/programs, etc. at the request of members.
How to apply
for education -
Developing education for participates and discussing conreate issues lecturer, schedule, budget
implement educational program