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Korean Alumni News

Life after the KDI School (이종규 LEE Jong-Kyu, 2001 MPP)

  • Category인사동정
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2008-12-01 00:00
  • Hit211
1. Can you share your life after the KDI School with us? After graduating from the KDI School, I pursued a Ph.D. in Post-Communist Transition Economies at the University of London (UCL) in the United Kingdom. I have always been interested in Eastern Europe and Russia because I have a grandfather in North Korea which has a close link with the region. I chose London because the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is based there.   I completed my Ph.D. in my fourth year in London and came back to Seoul in May this year to work as a research fellow for the Department of Global Studies at Samsung Economic Research Institute. I analyze the economic issues of Eastern Europe and Russia.     2. Do you think studying at the KDI School helped you with your career and/or your life? I got to obtain an ability to apply economic theories and statistics to real situations while working as a teaching assistant for Professor Jong-Il Yoo and as a research assistant for Professor Joo-Ho Lee and Professor Il-Ho Yoo. During my years at the KDI School, I also gained essential economic knowledge that was most useful when teaching college students in London.   The KDI School played a critical role in my life as it helped me set a clear goal and gave me an opportunity to meet many good friends and mentors.     3. What is your future plan? I want to be an expert in Transition Economies of Eastern Europe and Russia. Ultimately, I would like to contribute my expertise to help North Korea with its economic transition which, I believe, will act as a foundation to the development of North and South Korea as well as the whole of Northeast Asia.