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Korean Alumni News

2002 Experiential Korea Program

  • Category인사동정
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2001-12-07 00:00
  • Hit193

002 Experiential Korea Program

O Period : August 5-August 17
August 5 (Mon.) 10:00~18:00 Orientation (Venue: NHRC, Kumsegi Bldg., next to the Seoul City Hall, in front of the President Hotel)
August 6~10 (5 days) Volunteer Program,
Home Stay in Korean homes
August 12~17 (6 days) Cultural & Eco Tourism (Kyungju,
Mt. Sorak, DMZ, Mt. Jiri, Saemumkum,

O Participants : the youth (about 30 persons, 15-35 ages)
Overseas Korean Youth, overseas adoptees, foreigners
who want to learn about the Korean culture, Korean
students who is interested in the program, etc.

O Close of submit the application form : July 20 (Sat.)

O Registration Fee : no charge (will be provided transport, room and
meal for free)

O Way of submit the application form : fill the application form out and send it to us by fax or e-mail.

O Contact us : Jungrim HUH 011-9933-1465
Yongrye LEE 016-229-2526


# Attachment 1. Application Form

2002 한국 문화 체험 프로그램 참가신청서
Application form of the 2002 Experiential Korea Program

신청자 Applicant 이름 Name 한국이름 Korean Name
주소 Address
전화 Tel. 팩스 Fax.
이메일 E-mail Add. 생년월일 Date of Birth

학력 Educational Background
업무경력 Professional Career
자원봉사경력 Volunteering experience

자원봉사 희망기관Organization which you want to volunteer
예) 시민단체, 대안학교, 공동체 농촌자원봉사, 병원, 고아원, 양로원, 장애인 재활원 등 한국에서 봉사활동을 하고 싶은 곳.

지원동기 Purpose of theapplication of this program

향후 활동계획Your future plan relating this program