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International Alumni News

[Working Partner Program] Ideas 4 Sustainability: 1st Workshop Series on International Cooperation and SDGs

  • CategoryFamily Events
  • NamePR Division
  • Date2022-05-17 00:00
  • Hit278

Ideas for Sustainability (I4S), which is one of the project for the 2022 KDIS Alumni Working Partner Program, is a global community of development practitioners interested in increasing everybody’s access to capacity-building, knowledge sharing and international cooperation opportunities to promote SDGs’ implementation in the Global South. 

As part of the Workshop Series on International Cooperation and SDGs, they have organized the “Session 1: Achieving SDGs through Triangular Cooperation” on Tuesday May 17th, 11am~12pm KST.  

The guest speaker was Luis Angel Roa, Triangular Cooperation advisor at APC-Colombia, who currently leads strategic knowledge initiatives with the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC).

This workshop series is a great way promote capacity-building among KDIS alumni and development practitioners on mechanisms to access international cooperation for SDGs. 

Visit the I4S website for more information: https://wi4s.com/

For any questions, please contact Ivonne Ramos Héndez: ivonneramos@Wi4S.com