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Events & Seminars

[Event] The 3rd Tunnel Tour

  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-12-06 00:00
  • Hit278
  • Event Date 2011-12-06 ~ 2011-12-09

 [Notice] The 3rd Tunnel Tour


We appreciate for your interest in this event. 

I am afraid that the numbers of applicants are already over our expectation. 

We cannot handle more than 120 students due to limited budget.

The list for the registration on this event is now closed.

If there are any cancellations, we will notify and re-open the registration. 


We are very sorry for any inconvenience it may cause. 


Once again, Thank you for your interest.




[Event] The 3rd Tunnel Tour



Dear All students,


In June, the KDI School plans to organize a visit to the northern barrier of South Korea. The barrier has been established as a result of Korean War Armistice Agreement, signed on July 27, 1953.


We will visit the 3rd tunnel that North Korea made, and Dorasan train station which is the last station of South Korea heading north. We will also visit Park of Peace, a park that symbolizes people''s wish for peace. It will be a chance for you to get a glimpse of historical tragedy caused by Korean War.


The cultural events are open to all students. Both international and Korean students are welcome to participate.


Please find below details for your information.


<The 3rd Tunnel Tour Details>

Ø  Date: 15, June (Fri.)

Ø  Entrance Fee: KRW 3,600

 (Other expenses such as lunch, transportation will be covered by school.)

Ø  Gathering Place and Time: Main Gate / 09:20 a.m.

Ø  Please bring your Passport for Id verification. (내국인의경우신분증반드시지참)

    -> Without passport, your entrance could be limited


<Entrance Fee Payment>

For your convenience, the school would like to deduct the corresponding amount from your July stipend. If you don’t receive stipend from the School, you have to pay the admission fee in cash at the Student Affairs Division



09:30-11:00 Deaprture to Park of Peace

11:00-12:00 Park of Peace

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:30 Third Tunnel

14:30~15:10 Dorasan Observatory

15:10~16:00 Dorasan Train Station

16:00~18:00 Return to the KDI School


If you want to join us, please apply via “KDI School Members” as indicated below. When applying for the event, please consider your schedule beforehand to make sure you can actually attend the trip. Once your application is submitted, please note that you will be charged with KRW 10,000 even if you don’t show up on the day, unless you sent us an email notice 3 days in advance.


 <How to apply>

 1)  Visit “www.kdischool.ac.kr”

  2)  Log on to the KDI School with your ID/PW

  3)  Click ‘MIS’ on the left side, below ‘KDI School Service’

  4)  Click ‘Apply for Event’ on the left side

  5)  Click ‘Query’ on the right side

  6)   Click a name of an event that you want

  7)   Check the food menu that you want

  8)   Click ''Save'' on the upper right side


*This tour is strictly prohibited for an unidentified individual. We should report the list of participants in advance. It means you may not join us unless you apply for this event within the application period. Application Deadline: by June 10.2012


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Thank you.


(Note: KDI School students should prioritize KDI School coursework before any field trip.)

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