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Events & Seminars

The 1st Global Infrastructure Development Forum (GIDF)

  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-10-31 00:00
  • Hit386
  • Event Date 2011-10-31 ~ 2012-12-01

The 1st Global Infrastructure Development Forum (GIDF)

October 9, 2012, Seoul, Korea


Hosted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Organized by the Export-Import Bank of Korea

Sponsored by KDI, KIEP, K-Water, SK Constructions, ICAK, KRIHS, KPIA, KIET, KRCC  




There is a Forum regarding international development and ODA

which might be appealing to KDI school students.

Please refer below information.

If you are interested, please apply it via

e-mail : gidf@koreaexim.go.kr or tel : 070-4616-4354 ASAP.

(*Reservations are necessary. Entry fee is free and hotel Lunch will be offering.) 


1.      Background and Objectives


The international development community recognizes access to basic infrastructure as the core element to achieving the MDGs of poverty reduction, health, education, gender equality, etc. Efficient and sound infrastructure development is also seen as essential to meeting the development targets of developing countries and achieving sustainable growth.


Demand for infrastructure investment in developing countries has continued to increase for economic growth and poverty reduction purposes. According to World Bank estimates, the annual investment demand is expected to reach USD 890 billion between 2010 and 2020. Infrastructure projects are traditionally funded through the government, but funding has been insufficient to meet demand due to unstable tax bases and limited external borrowing capacities. Furthermore, the rate of increase in the volume of ODA of DAC members has slowed down in the midst of global financial crisis, not catching up with the demand.


In this respect, there is a consensus that private sector participation in development is pivotal in supplementing limited ODA resources. Various international conferences such as the G20 (B20) and Busan HLF-4 have reconfirmed the importance of private sector participation. However, PPP has not been very successful due to unfavourable PPP climates, the lack of bankable projects in developing countries. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective strategies for promotion of PPP to assist infrastructure development in developing countries.


This forum aims to establish a new policy framework among government, business, financiers, academia, and others to more efficiently support infrastructure projects in developing countries through PPP. This forum will provide a great opportunity to exchange views, share ideas, and find solutions for current PPP practices.


2.      Date and Venue


Date:          Tuesday, October 9th 2012

Venue:       The Grand Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea


3.      Participants


Invited participants will include representatives of government ministries, ODA agencies, research institutes, and the private sector. Participation in the forum will be open to the public.




4.      Agenda


n   Session 1:  Reinforcing Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and the Role of Development Finance


            This session aims to review current PPP discussions at the national and international levels, current practice of PPP, and the evolution of PPP to broaden cooperation between public and private sectors. The session will highlight the importance of infrastructure investment for sustainable and inclusive growth in developing countries and explore ways to induce greater cooperation from the private sector. The session will also highlight the role of development finance in fostering PPP.



n  Session 2:  Korean PPP Cases and Their Implications


This session will look at both successful PPP cases as well as failures to review their implications and lessons. Government ministries and related affiliations will be attending the session to discuss the case examples and exchange ideas. It is expected that this session will provide much insight into why PPP works and does not work under certain conditions.



n  Session 3:  Ways to Foster PPP for Greater Development Effectiveness


This session will introduce current PPP statuses and strategies of partner countries and strategies of donors to enhance PPP. The session will explore how these strategies can be applied to Korea. In particular, the session will look at ODA’s role in inducing private investments and its implications to development financiers such as EDCF.  

Program Schedule


8:30- 9:00 am    Registration

9:00- 9:05 am    Opening Remarks Dr. Kim, Yong Hwan, Chairman & President, The Export-Import Bank of Korea

9:05- 9:10 am    Welcoming Remarks Mr. Shin, Je yoon, Vice Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance

9:10- 9:25 am     Keynote Speech  Jose Luis Irigoyen, Director/Head of Global PPP Expertise Group, World Bank


Session 1    Reinforcing Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and the Role of Development Finance

9:30-10:00 am   Chair: Kim, Chong-sup Professor, Seoul National University

Presenter (15 minutes each)

· Maeng, Joon ho, Research and Policy Analyst, The Export-Import Bank of Korea

· Jeong, Hyeok, Professor, KDI School



10:00-10:30 am   Panel Discussion - Panels are expected to brief participants on current PPP discussions, comment on presentations delivered by presenters, discuss ways to enhance PPP in developing countries, and discuss the role of development financiers.   


Panel (8 minutes each)

· Kwon, Yul, Research Fellow, KIEP

· Eom, Chan wang, Director, Ministry of Knowledge and Economy

? Chung, Tong soo, Advisor, Yulchon Attorneys at Law

10:30-10:40 am  Coffee Break


Session 2 Korean PPP Cases and Their Implications

10:40-11:10 am    Chair: Yoon, Deok-ryong, Senior research fellow, KIEP

Presenters (10 minutes each)

? Sakong, Hosang, Director, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement

? Kim, Young jin, Executive Director, Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water)

?Lee, Sang ho, Executive Director, Korea Plant Industries Association


11:10-12:00 am    Panel Discussion    Each panel will comment on case examples and make recommendations.


Panel (10 minutes each)

? Joo, Dong-joo, Director, KIET

? Kang, Young-soo, Director, KOTRA

? Lim, Han Kyu, Vice President, SK Construction

? Lee, Chang-beom, Director General, Korea Rural Community Corporation

? Chung, Tack jin, President, Head of BCS, Samjung KPMG

 sato Nokesor, Office of Cofinancing,


12:00-13:30 pm   · Welcoming Remarks  Shim Seop, Vice President, the Export-Import Bank of Korea

Session 3     Ways to Foster PPP for Greater Development Effectiveness

13:30-14:10pm           Chair: Arsenio M. Balisacan, Honorable Secretary, NEDA, the Philippines

Presenters (10 minutes each)

Nguyen Dang Truong, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam

Kae Yanagisawa, Director General, East and Central Asia and the Caucasus Department, JICA

? LEE, Sang joo, Director, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs

? Kim, Jung wook, Director General, KDI PIMAC


14:10-14:50 pm   Panel Discussion    Each panel will comment on case examples and make recommendations.


Panel (10 minutes each)

? Jung, Chang-goo, Head, International Contractors Association of Korea

? Chang, Young hoon, Director General, the Export-Import Bank of Korea

? Kalpana Seethepalli, Infrastructure Economist, Infrastructure Financing Center of   Excellence, World Bank Singapore Office

? Eom, Chi-sung, Assistant Secretary General, Korea Business Association

 sato Nokesor, Office of Cofinancing, 14:50-15:00 pm   Closing   Shim Seop, Vice President, the Export-Import Bank of Korea