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Events & Seminars

Korean Folk Village Feild Trip (Mar.25th)

  • NameSong, Jeongwon
  • Date2016-03-14 00:00
  • Hit348
  • Event Date 2016-03-14 ~ 2016-03-25
Dear Students,
Greetings! We would like to notify you that the KDI School is arranging the cultural event for students: Korean Folk Village Field Trip. The trip will provide you an opportunity to experience and learn the cultural heritage of Korea. Please refer to the detailed schedule below.
Ø Date: March 25th (Fri.)
Ø Time: 09:00 AM~6:00PM
Ø Gathering Place: In front of the dormitory
Ø Participation Fee: 12,000 won (originally 15,000 won)
(It will be automatically deducted from your May stipend. If you are not getting monthly stipend from the school, please stop by the Student Affairs Division with your participation fee.)
** 50% participation fee discount will apply for those joining the trip with their buddies!
Ø Transportation and lunch will be provided by the School.
Ø Itinerary
08:50             Gathering in front of the dormitory
                    (Please be punctual!!)
09:00 ~ 10:30   KDI School to Korean Folk Village
10:30 ~ 12:00   Guided Tour (By 2 Groups A,B)
12:00 ~ 13:00   Lunch (Korean Restaurant)
13:00 ~ 14:00   Experience Program (Korean paper art / Korean Archery)
14:00 ~ 16:00   Sightseeing, Free time
                   (Farmers’ Music & Dance/ Acrobatics on a Tightrope/ Horse Acrobatics)
16:00 ~ 18:00   Return to the KDI School
How to apply for the event
1. Visit, KDIS Homepage (https://www.kdischool.ac.kr/)
2. Click MIS in the Sidebar menu
3. Log on using your ID and password
4. Click Apply for Events on the left side, below Training/Event
5. Go to Korean Folk Village Field Trip
   * You should choose the experience program either Korean paper art or Korean archery.
   ** Please select your lunch menu.
6. Click Save
7.    For the confirmation, click on the Event Application result under the Training/Event
Application Deadline: March 17th , 2016
 **Please check your timetable before signing up for the event since your absence from any of the classes will be NOT be excused! Once your application is submitted, please note that you will be charged with absence penalty of 20,000 (KRW) even if you don’t show up on the day, “UNLESS” you sent us an email notice 3 days in advance.
To learn more about the Korean Folk Village, please visit the website: http://www.koreanfolk.co.kr/multi/english/
I hope to see you all on time! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you.
Student Affairs Division