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Events & Seminars

[Event] Earth Day Campaign & 1th Happy Hour

  • NameSong, Jeongwon
  • Date2016-04-21 00:00
  • Hit351
  • Event Date 2016-04-21 ~ 2016-04-30
Dear all,

The World is living a major turnout in its history nowadays. We are celebrating the 47th Earth Day along the Paris COP21 Agreement this Friday April 22nd.
KDI School and Dorm Production are inviting you to contribute to this major event. Celebrating the Earth Day and rising awareness about climate change issues are one of our priorities, of our goals as future leaders of our respective countries. Following this spirit, KDIS and Dorm Production will be honored to invite you to two events organized for this purpose:
  • Earth Day Turning Off Lights: You are invited to help the world by turning off your dormitory room light for 15 minutes on April 22nd from 20:45 to 21:00.
    Let’s give to Earth 15 minutes from our time. Small steps can lead to big changes.
  • Earth Day Happy Hour: Beautiful Spring Days are the best moments to celebrate the Earth Day. KDIS and Dorm Production will hold the 2016 Spring Semester Happy Hour on April 29th. Everyone is invited to enjoy delicious food, music, Karaoke, Video and Special Prizes.
    Let’s enjoy together the end of the Spring Semester and increase environmental awareness. For this purpose, plates, cups and cutlery will NOT be provided. Thus, you are invited to bring your own plate, cup and cutlery 
  • Date & Time: Friday April 29th  16:00 PM
  • Venue: Chunji Hall, Lincoln Hall - KDI School 4F
  • Please, Bring your own plate, cup and cutlery
KDI School highly believes on your sense of humanity and leadership. We believe on your abilities to make big changes as policy makers of this world. Our planet needs your participation on Friday April 22nd and on the Happy Hour on Friday April 29th.