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Events & Seminars

Writing Center Workshop (How can I write a good statement of Purpose)

  • NameSong, Jieun
  • Date2016-05-16 00:00
  • Hit380
  • Event Date 2016-05-16 ~ 2016-05-20
<KDI School Writing Center Workshop>
May 20th, 2016 12:00~13:00
KDIS Writing Center is pleased to announce Workshop: Statement of Purpose Workshop
Workshop is delivered by: Lacey Kim

How can I write a good statement of purpose?
KDIS Writing Center is offering a statement of purpose workshop for students who are writing a personal statement for application to graduate schools, fellowships, or internships. Graduate and professional schools often require some sort of written statements called “statement of purpose,” “personal statement,” or “letter of intent” as a part of the application. Some statements require specific information such as the applicant’s intended area of study within a graduate field. Still others give much freedom to the applicant to address their wide range of interests. In this workshop you will learn how to write successful personal statements, as we cover different types of SOP.

*Attendees may also have an opportunity for individual feedback on their own personal statements.

 - Date & Time: May. 20 (Fri.), 12:00-13.00 pm
 - Venue: Rm 205
 - Lecture Topic: Statement of Purpose Workshop
  *Lunch will be provided

※ How to register (First-come first-served basis)
Please refer to the information below to register.
① Visit www.kdischool.ac.kr
② Log in using your ID and password
③ Click the “MIS” on the right hand side of KDI School Service menu.
④ In the menu bar on the left, click “Apply for Events” under the “Training/Event”
⑤ Click the “Query” button.
⑥ Click the “KDIS Writing Center Workshop (Statement of Purpose)"
⑦ Click “Save”
⑧ Application Period: ~ May 20 (Fri.)

Writing Center
KDI School of Public Policy and Management