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Events & Seminars

Writing Center Workshop (How to construct a proper paragraph_9.30)

  • NameSong, Jieun
  • Date2016-09-27 00:00
  • Hit455
  • Event Date 2016-09-27


<KDI School Writing Center Workshop>

September 30th, 2016 10:30am~11:30am
KDIS Writing Center is pleased to announce Workshop:
How to construct a proper paragraph?
Workshop is delivered by NG, Xiuyan Sophie (Writing Center Editor)

How to construct a proper paragraph?

This workshop is designed to help you understand better how paragraphs are formed, how to develop stronger paragraphs, and how to clearly express your ideas in a logical manner. Good paragraphs are important as they act as ‘signposts’, telling whoever is reading your work where your ideas are going and how are you thinking about your argument.  


Why is paragraph writing important? 

1) Understanding what makes a good paragraph will help you ensure your point is brought across clearly in your paper.

2) Ensures that your paper is easy to read and follow, helping you get a better grade.


After successful completion of this workshop you will be able to:

1) Identify the required elements of an effective paragraph structure;

2) Understand the steps for constructing and editing paragraphs;

3) Apply your knowledge of the characteristics of paragraph writing to better formulate your topic, body and concluding sentences.

4) Write a better and more coherent paper for your thesis or research paper.


Workshop Information

1) Date & Time : September 30th (Friday) / 10:30~11:30

2) Venue :  Classroom S202

3) Lecture topic: Paragraph Writing

* Refreshment will be provided

* Please bring your laptop for exercise



1) Visit www.kdischool.ac.kr

2) Login MIS with your ID and Password

3) In the menu bar on the left, click 'Apply for Events' under the 'Training/Event'

4) Click 'Query' button

5) Click the 'Writing Center Workshop (Paragraph Writing_September 30th)

6) Click 'Save'

7) Application Period: ~ September 29th (Thursday)

* First come first served


Writing Center

KDI School of Public Policy and Management