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Events & Seminars

[KDIS] Spring Research Plan Submission (~Apr. 15, Sat.)

  • NameYu, Hui-yeong
  • Date2017-04-11 00:00
  • Hit413
  • Event Date 2017-04-11 ~ 2017-04-15

Dear Students,

In order to encourage students to concretize their idea regarding research project, students who formed the POS Committee are asked to submit the research plan to their Major Professor by this following schedule. 

As for 2017 Spring Semester, it was scheduled by Apr. 15(Sat.)

If you formed the POS Committee and haven't submitted the plan yet, please submit the research plan to your Major Professor during submission period. You don't need to fill in every questions, but just fill in the questions only related to your paper.

1. Research Plan Submission:
- Submission Period: ~ Apr. 15(Sat) 

2. Attachment:
- Submission of Research Plan 

3. Submission to:
- Major Professor
- Academic Affairs Division Research Project Email(rp@kdis.ac.kr) 

If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us(rp@kdis.ac.kr).

Academic? Affairs Division
KDI School of Public Policy and Management?? 

  • doc 첨부파일 Submission of Research Plan_2016.doc (54KB / Download 258회) Download