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Events & Seminars

[Notice] 2017 KDI School Hiking-Follow Up Measures

  • NamePark, Junsuk
  • Date2017-04-18 00:00
  • Hit486
  • Event Date 2017-04-18 ~ 2017-04-20

Dear All,


I would like to express sincere gratitude for your active participation at 2017 KDI School Spring Hiking, which was held on April 14. With great appreciation, I would like to share the information below for finalizing the event.


<Lost and Found Information>

If you have any lost property in the shuttle bus on hiking day, please email(js_park@kdischool.ac.kr) me with your lost item and contact information such as personal phone number. The bus company will take care of this trouble.


<Group Mission Contest Results>

Also, we are glad to announce the result of the Group Mission Contest. There were only five groups submitted the group mission within the deadline. It was a difficult decision to make, but here are the winners who most represent “The KDI School that I want.”

● 1st Prize: Group 16

● 2nd Prize: Group 8

Congratulations Group 16 and 8 on winning the prize. Group leaders of group 16 and 8, please visit academic affairs after April 20(Thu) to claim your prize.


The KDI School plans to hold a series of events and wishes to have you again for our future events such as Song & Dance Festival, Sports Day and International Food Festival.


Thank you.