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Events & Seminars

Writing Center Workshop (Academic Integrity_What is better? To paraphrase or to quote?_June 30th)

  • NameKIM,Taehoon
  • Date2017-06-26 00:00
  • Hit452
  • Event Date 2017-06-26 ~ 2017-06-30

<Writing Center Workshop>


(Series of Academic Integrity)


What is better? To paraphrase or to quote?



June 30th (Fri), 2017, 12:30pm~13:30pm

Workshop is delivered by Kamakshi Nanda (Writing Center Editor)



[Are there rules to using quotations?]


Academic English requires critical engagement with research papers, by either paraphrasing, summarizing or quoting from them. One of the easiest ways to compromise a good paper would be to quote inaccurately and inappropriately. Writing Centre’s workshop by editor Kamakshi NANDA on Quotation provides instruction and practical knowledge in how and where to use quotes. Concentration is given to rules to using quotation and techniques in incorporating quotation into research papers.



[Why is this workshop important for you?]


The ability to convey your ideas convincingly, through the clever use of quotes, is handy in academia, work, and even in daily life. Future doctoral aspirants or scholars should know the techniques of interpreting, identifying good quotes and using quotes to their advantage. As students in KDI you might need to write term papers, SRP or thesis, where your ability to use quotes intelligently would add value to your paper. This skill would carry you through also in your professional life.  



[How will this workshop help you?]


-Equip you with practical tools on how to use quotes and deal with academic content.

-Provide you with useful tips on how to incorporate quotes into your texts.

-It will assist you to better absorb written content, organize your thoughts and express your ideas.



[Workshop Information]


1) Date & Time: June 30th, (Fri) / 12:30~13:30

2) Venue: S 205

3) Lecture Topic: What is better? To paraphrase or to quote?

* Refreshment will be provided (Frist come, first served)

4) *If you can bring your laptop, please bring yours for exercise





1) Visit www.kdischool.ac.kr

2) Login MIS with your ID and Password

3) In the menu bar on the left, click 'Apply for Events' under the 'Training/Event'

4) Click 'Query' button

5) Click “(Writing Center Workshop) What is better? To paraphrase or to quote?”

6) Click 'Save'

7) Application Period: ~ June 30th, Friday.



If you have any question regarding the workshop, please contact here. (e-mail: th_kim@kdischool.ac.kr  /  phone: 044-550-1259)


Thank you



Writing Center


KDI School of Public Policy and Management