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Events & Seminars

[Session / Korean Only ] Symposium in celebration of 5th anniversary of Sejong-si

  • NameSuong, Boeun
  • Date2017-07-04 00:00
  • Hit466
  • Event Date 2017-07-06

Dear Students,

I'm glad to inform you that there will be a symposium on Sejong City as the new administrative capital in Korea.

The symposium will be composed of two session: joint sessions in the first part and individual sessions in the second part.

Especially in the second sessions, some KDIS professors will give their presentation about administration, economy, diplomatic policy of Sejong-si.

All the sessions will be given in Korean and you can attend it freely. 

Please check the details down below.

- Date: July 6th, 2017

- Venue: Sejong Convention Center (SCC)

- Application: be_suong@kdischool.ac.kr

- Inquiry about the event: be_suong@kdischool.ac.kr

- Note: Transportation will not be served

Thank you.


Student Affairs Division

  • hwp 첨부파일 Sejong-si Symposium.hwp (45KB / Download 285회) Download