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Events & Seminars

Writing Center Workshop (Writing a Cover Letter_July 21st)

  • NameKIM,Taehoon
  • Date2017-07-17 00:00
  • Hit478
  • Event Date 2017-07-17 ~ 2017-07-21

<Writing Center Workshop>


Writing a Cover Letter



July 21th (Fri), 2017, 14:00pm~15:30pm

Workshop is delivered by Kamakshi Nanda (Writing Center Editor)



"What is a Cover Letter?"

"What information should I include or exclude?"

"How can I write a good and effective cover letter?"


Your dream job needs a good cover letter.

A good cover letter is what distinguishes you from your competitors.

Any successful job search requires a good resume and a well-written cover letter. 

The KDI Writing Center is here to assist you with this important task by providing a detailed explanation of cover letter objectives and information on each section of the cover letter.

  • Introduction to the concept/purpose of cover letter
  • Format and organization
  • What to include
  • Critique of sample cover letter
  • Questions & Answers


Attendees may also have an opportunity for individual feedback on their own cover letters after the workshop. 


[Workshop Information]


1) Date & Time: July 21st, (Fri) / 14:00~15:30

2) Venue: S 205

3) Lecture Topic: Writing a Cover Letter

* Refreshment will be provided (Frist come, first served)

4) *If you can bring your laptop, please bring yours for exercise





1) Visit www.kdischool.ac.kr

2) Login MIS with your ID and Password

3) In the menu bar on the left, click 'Apply for Events' under the 'Training/Event'

4) Click 'Query' button

5) Click “(Writing Center Workshop) Writing a Cover Letter?”

6) Click 'Save'

7) Application Period: ~ July 20th, Thursday.



If you have any question regarding the workshop, please contact here. (e-mail: th_kim@kdischool.ac.kr  /  phone: 044-550-1259)


Thank you



Writing Center


KDI School of Public Policy and Management