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Events & Seminars

[Student Affairs / Event] Application for the 5th Asian Legislative Experts Symposium(Oct 11~ 12)

  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2017-10-10 00:00
  • Hit670
  • Event Date 2017-10-11 ~ 2017-11-01

Dear KDIS students,


I'm glad to inform you that there is an upcoming event, 'the 5th Asian Legislative Experts Symposium (ALES). The theme is “Legislative study on safety management to respond to natural disasters (focusing on Indonesia)”. And the Symposium is held by Ministry of Government Legislation and Korea Legislation Research Institute at Millennium Seoul Hilton in Seoul on November 1, 2017.

To participate this, there will be no transportation provided. However only for students applied through MIS will be provided with name tag and dinner. Thus, please consider your academic calendar before you apply to the event. Since your academic schedule has a priority, excused absence for your courses will not allowed. For more details, please refer to the below.


1. Outline of the 5th Asian Legislative Experts Symposium (ALES)

   (1) Time & Date: 2 p.m. ~ 6 p.m., 1 November, 2017
       * There will be a dinner party for the participants and VIPs at 6:30 p.m. after the event.

  (2) Venue: Grand Ballroom of Millennium Seoul Hilton (B1F)

  (3) Theme: “Legislative study on safety management to respond to natural disasters (focusing on Indonesia)”

       - (Session 1) Overview of Asia's legislative efforts to respond to natural disasters
       - (Session 2) Measures to modify the laws and regulations related to managing the safety of facilities to respond to natural disasters

   (4) Organizers: Ministry of Government Legislation (MOLEG) and Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI)

   (5) Language: Korean and English(providing simultaneous interpretation service)

2. Itinerary




Opening Ceremony


?Opening remarks by Minister of Government Legislation

?Congratulatory remarks by Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia

Keynote Speech


?Director of Management Division of the Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corporation (KISTEC)

?Dean of the School of Law of the Handong Global University

Session 1


Overview of Asia’s legislative efforts to respond to natural disasters

- Status of ASEAN countries’ legislative efforts to deal with natural disasters and relevant tasks

- Development direction of Korea’s disaster-related legislation and modification status

Session 2


Measures for legislative modification related to facility safety to respond to natural disasters

- Asian countries’ legislative efforts for facility safety and relevant tasks

- Suggestion of specific bills and revision bills based on the direction of improving facility safety in Indonesia

- Tasks of legislative modification related to safety management of infrastructure in the situation of frequent occurrence of earthquakes in Korea

※ providing Korean-English simultaneous interpretation service


3.  Application : October 11th(00:00) ~ 12th through MIS

  (1) Visit, KDIS Homepage (https://www.kdischool.ac.kr/)

  (2) Click MIS in the Sidebar menu

  (3) Log on using your ID and password

  (4) Click Apply for Events on the left side, below Training/Event

  (5) Go to The 5th Asian Legislative Experts Symposium (ALES): “Legislative study on safety management to respond to natural disasters (focusing on Indonesia)”

  (6) Click Save

  (7) For the confirmation, click on the Event Application result under the Training/Event



  (1) Please consider your academic calendar before you apply to the event. (Your academic schedule has a priority, Excused absence for your courses will not allowed)

  (2) There will be NO transportation provided. However only for students applied through MIS will be provided with name tag and dinner. (You may check the attched file to see the direction to the venue.)


If you have any questions, please contact to Ms. Minah Park (minah_park@kdischool.ac.kr / 044-550-1224)


Thank you.


Student Affairs Division







  • pdf 첨부파일 Invitation.pdf (963.94KB / Download 261회) Download