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Events & Seminars

[Development Research Center] Brown Bag Seminar on the Contested Areas of Myanmar: Subnational Conflict, Aid, and Development

  • NameChoi, Minji
  • Date2017-11-17 00:00
  • Hit565
  • Event Date 2017-11-17 ~ 2017-11-21

Dear KDI School Students,


The Development Research Center is pleased to announce a brown bag seminar on the Contested Areas of Myanmar: Subnational Conflict, Aid, and Development


The overview is as follows:

  • Date: November 22 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 12:00~13:30
  • Venue: S303
  • Topic of presentation: The Contested Areas of Myanmar: Subnational Conflict, Aid, and Development
  • Speakers:
    • Patrick Barron, Regional Director of Conflict and Development, the Asia Foundation
    • Matthew Arnold, Deputy Country Representative of Myanmar, the Asia Foundation
    • Sean Bradley, Lead Social Development Specialist, World Bank
  • Note: Lunch will be provided

This BB seminar is designed to deliver some of the key lessons learned from a year-long study by the Asia Foundation and the World Bank on The Contested Areas of Myanmar: Subnational Conflict, Aid, and Development. This session will provide a unique learning opportunity for students to understand Myanmar’s political transition, the country’s development and prospects for peace.


If you wish to attend this seminar, please register by using the following link:


Registration is essential and please RSVP no later than 9:00 AM November 21.


If you have any other questions, please contact Minji Choi at mj_choi@kdischool.ac.kr


Thank you.