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Events & Seminars

[Event] 1st Happy Hour (Mar. 7th 4:00 PM)

  • NameYANG,Seungjae
  • Date2018-03-02 00:00
  • Hit532
  • Event Date 2018-03-07

Wanna play football with KDIS FC United? Are you interested in International Relations? Need a Buddy in your campus life? How about visit Korean homes and learn the culture? So what kind of extracurricular programs are there at our school?


Come to Happy Hour and learn about it! All the answers to your questions are right here.


<Happy Hour>

  - Date: Wednesday, March 7th

  - Time: 4:00 PM ~ 6:30 PM

  - Place: Lincoln Hall, 4th Floor

  - Remark: Refreshments will be provided


Members of our Clubs and Forums will be there. You can learn more from their introductions. You can also ask any questions if you want to know more about the clubs and forums that you are interested in. Interact with your friends, and enjoy Happy Hour!


There will be also staff from the school to promote the programs provided by the school. This includes networking programs (Buddy Program, Home Visiting), Writing Center, K-Developedia, KDI Seed, internships, introduction of development research, 2018 seminars and international conferences, and the RAs. Please visit and find out about all the things you’ve been missing out on.


Refreshments will be served, including food and beverages, so come and enjoy. If you are hungry or thirsty, stop in and get something to eat or drink!