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Events & Seminars

[Site Visit / Internationals Only] K-water Visit (May 11)

  • NameYANG,Seungjae
  • Date2018-04-30 00:00
  • Hit597
  • Event Date 2018-05-01 ~ 2018-05-02

Dear KDIS International Students,


It is my pleasure to inform you about the site visit to K-water! This visit will be a great opportunity for you to learn about K-water, its major facilities, and the business. Please carefully read the instructions below, as any trouble caused by not following directions will be your responsibility.


<K-water Visit>

1. Date: Friday, May 11th

2. Time: 9:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM

3. Venue: K-water, Daecheong Dam

4. Participants: Maximum 25 (KDIS international students who are interested in the field of water)

  - Applicants will be reviewed and those students who have relationships with the field of water will be selected.

5. Participation Fee: Free

6. Schedule





Move (Sejong→Human Resource Development Institute)



Opening Remarks



(Lecture) K-water History, Business, and Korea’s Water Resource Policy



(Visit) Water Supply Research Center






Move (HR Development Institute→K-wtaer Institute)



(Visit) Water Quality Research Center



Move(K-wtaer Institute→Daecheong Dam)



(Visit) Daecheong Dam



Move (Daecheong Dam→Sejong)

- The schedule is subject to change.


7. Lunch

Lunch will be provided in K-water.



1. Go to http://mis.kdischool.ac.kr/

2. Log in using your ID and password

3. Click Apply for Events on the left side, under Training/Event

4. Choose Field Trip for Event Type and click the Query button

5. Click [Field Trip] K-water Visit

6. 1) Please leave a comment if you have a relationships with the field of water

   2) Choose Vegetarian for the Food Menu if you are a vegetarian

   3) Click the Save button

7. For the confirmation, click on the Event Application Result under Training/Event


Application Period: May 1st ~ May 2nd

- You will be charged of KRW 20,000 if you do not show up on the day when you were successfully registered.

- Please check your timetable before signing up for the event since your absence from any of your classes will NOT be excused.


If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Yang, Seungjae (sj_yang@kdischool.ac.kr) in the Student Affairs Division.




Student Affairs Division