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Events & Seminars

[Writing Center Workshop] How to write a good Statement of Purpose

  • NameSon, Sora
  • Date2018-05-16 00:00
  • Hit709
  • Event Date 2018-05-16 ~ 2018-05-18

KDIS Writing Center Workshop


How to write a good Statement of Purpose


Are you applying for internship, graduate school or fellowship and are required to submit a “statement of purpose” or “letter of intent” or “personal statement” as part of the application? Do you want tips on writing your statement of purpose?

KDI Writing Center is offering you an opportunity to learn how to write an outstanding statement of purpose!

In this workshop, you will learn how to write successful personal statements and also get a chance to edit your own sample statement!


The workshop sessions:

  • Introduction to the concept of personal statements
  • Discussion of strategies and pitfalls
  • Individual feedback on sample statements
  • Question & Answer Session


Workshop Information:

  • Date/Time: Friday, May 18th 2018, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
  • Location: S204
  • Presented by: WEKESAH Ruth Nafuna
  • How to register: Go to MIS-Apply for Events – Writing Center Workshop (by Thursday 17th, 6pm)

     * Refreshment will be provided


** Note: 

Attendees may get a chance to receive individual feedback on their sample statements!