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Events & Seminars

The Korean Story: Secrets of an Economic Miracle MOOC Launch

  • NameLee Myung Eun
  • Date2018-09-11 00:00
  • Hit857
  • Event Date 2018-09-11 ~ 2018-09-21

Dear Students,


Since 2015, the Development Research Division of KDI School in collaboration with the SDG Academy of Sustainable Development Solutions Network have designed a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to deliver the story of South Korea’s development experience which will provide critical knowledge to professionals and practitioners on development issues. The 12-week long, free course will be launched on the EdX open-source platform from 8th October, 2018.


The purpose of this e-learning course is to reassess Korea’s development experience in order to draw lessons of relevance for consideration by developing countries as they prepare to reset their development strategies and policies to meet the challenges of the SDGs.


In relation to the launch of the course, KDI School is pleased to announce The Korean Story: Secrets of an Economic Miracle MOOC Launch event to reassess South Korea’s development experience and incorporating them to SDGs-based sustainable development strategies.


■ Date and Time: Oct 2nd 2018 (Tuesday), 09:30 - 14:00 (Including Luncheon)

■ Venue: JW Marriott Hotel, Seoul

* Please also note that event livestream will be available online for those who can’t participate in Seoul. Online participants will also be able to interact with speakers through Pigeonhole Live at www.pigeonhole.at where everyone gets to take part in Q&A sessions. Further announcements will be made on the livestream URL and Event Passcode for Pigeonhole.


** For students participating in Seoul event, transportation from the school to Seoul on Oct 2nd morning and Seoul to school on the afternoon will be provided. Further announcements will be made on the details of the transportation.


How to apply: Please register at the link below until September 21st 2018.

> Application Link: https://goo.gl/forms/oqggxvjigoFB7TLi1

- Due to the limited number of seats open to KDI School students, competitive selection procedure could apply depending on the number of applicants for those who wish to participate in Seoul.


Please find the agenda for the event attached and for further questions please contact at 044-550-1137 or by email me_lee@kdischool.ac.kr.

Thank you.


안녕하세요 KDI국제정책대학원 발전경험연구팀에서 인사드립니다.


한국의 압축적 성장과정에서의 동력과 주요 정책경험 분석 및 시사점을 제시하고 심층이해를 도모하기 위해 지속가능개발목표(SDGs) 관점에서 한국 발전경험을 학습할 수 있도록 UN SDSN(Sustainable Development Solutions Network) 산하 SDG Academy와 공동 제작한 한국의 지속가능발전 MOOC [The Korean Story: Secrets of an Economic Miracle]를 edX 플랫폼에서 10.8(월)부터 12주간 대중공개 무료강좌로 제공하게 되었습니다.


본 강의코스의 주요 수강대상 타겟인 한국발전경험에 대한 학습수요가 있는 KDI대학원생 및 개발도상국 ODA 관련 기관 관계자를 포함, 예비학습자를 대상으로 MOOC 런칭행사를 진행하고자 합니다.


■  개최 일정 : 2018년 10월 2일 (화요일), 09:30 – 14:00 (오찬포함)

■  개최 장소 : JW 메리어트 호텔 서울

■  등록링크: https://goo.gl/forms/oqggxvjigoFB7TLi1

* 등록 마감기한 : 9월 21일(금요일)까지

  • pdf 첨부파일 AGENDA.pdf (225.88KB / Download 294회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Course SYLLABUS.pdf (94.13KB / Download 300회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 The Korean story_MOOC Poster.pdf (179.67KB / Download 275회) Download