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Events & Seminars

The 41st Development Cooperation Forum (Nov. 29)

  • NameKwon, HyeJune
  • Date2018-11-27 00:00
  • Hit499
  • Event Date 2018-11-27 ~ 2018-11-29

The 41st Development Cooperation Forum 

- Date and Time: 14:00-18:00, November 29, 2018

- Venue: Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas, Rose Hall (5th Fl.)

- Host: KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency, UNDP DRC (United Nations Development Programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo)

- Theme: A Global, Inclusive Partnership towards Sustaining Peace

- Registration: http://www.koicadcf.or.kr/

- Contact: The secretariat of The 41st Development Cooperation Forum (Tel. 031-413-1911, E-mail: citys2025@nate.com)

  • pdf 첨부파일 Development Cooperation Forum.pdf (1.51MB / Download 313회) Download