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[Publication] Secrets of an Economic Miracle: Lessons for Sustainable Development from South Korea

  • NameHwang, Jiyoung
  • Date2019-03-06 00:00
  • Hit518
  • Event Date 2019-03-06

  Since the launch of KDI School's massive online open course (MOOC) entitled "The Korean Story: Secrets of an Economic Miracle" last October, over 1,200 learners from more than 100 countries have enrolled the course. Building on its success and to enhance the overall learning experience of its subscribers, KDI School is pleased to present the publication of "Secrets of an Economic Miracle: Lessons for Sustainable Development from South Korea", which presents an in-depth look at the development topics covered in the online course.


  This book provides an inclusive look at the inner workings of Korea's story of nation-building in the areas of economics, politics, education, health, women's empowerment, rural development, and the environment as well as its critical mistakes. We hope that this volume would aid the readers' mission in formulating sustainable development strategies and policies to help realize the SDGs.




 To download the full-text of the research paper, please refer to the K-Developedia link below:



For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Jiyoung Hwang of the Development Research Division (jy_hwang@kdischool.ac.kr / 055-440-1297).

Thank you.