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Events & Seminars

[Special Lecture] North Korea's Nuclear Issues and Challenges for the Future

  • NameKim, Suah
  • Date2019-04-04 00:00
  • Hit627
  • Event Date 2019-04-04 ~ 2019-04-19


KDI School is very pleased to inform you that Se Hyun Jeong, the former head of the Ministry of Unification, will visit our school and deliver a special lecture on April 19th at 1:30 PM.


We would like to invite you to attend this special lecture on North Korea's nuclearization and challenges for the future of the Korean peninsula.


This lecture will be an opportunity for students to gain a broader perspective on North Korea's nuclear issues, as well as the South Korea's policies on North Korea.


Please find the details of the lecture below:

   - Topic: North Korea's Nuclear Issues and Challenges for the Future

   - Speaker: Se Hyun Jeong (Former Unification Minister)

   - Date & time: April 19th, Friday, 1:30-3:30 PM

   - Venue: Lincoln Hall, 4th Floor

   - Language: Korean (English translation available)

   - RSVP: Register via the following link (https://forms.gle/91ihR3wrLzAkzUEk9)

   - Questions: Ms. Suah Kim (sa_kim@kdischool.ac.kr)


Please take this great opportunity to meet an expert on North Korea and also to learn about issues involving Korea's peace process.