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Events & Seminars

[Field Trip for International Students] 2019 Global Friendship Tour (Nov. 8, Friday)

  • NamePark, Misun
  • Date2019-10-11 00:00
  • Hit567
  • Event Date 2019-10-11 ~ 2019-10-16


We're delighted to inform you that there will be a 2019 Global Friendship Tour which will take place on November 8th (Fri.), 2019.


<2019 Global Friendship Tour >

- Date: Nov. 8 (Fri.) ― one day

- Location: Hyundai Motor Plant Jeonju / Jeonju Hanbyuk Cultural Center

- Participation Fee: Free of charge (Supported by Hyundai-Kia Motors and KDI School)


- Application: ~ Oct. 16th by MIS System

  • How to apply 

1. Go to http://mis.kdischool.ac.kr/.

2. Log in using your ID and password.

3. Click Apply for Events on the left side, under Training/Event.

4. Choose Field Trip for event type, and click the query button.

5. Click [Field Trip] 2019 Global Friendship Tour.

6. Fill in the required fields and click the ‘Save’ button.

7. To confirm your application, click on the Event Application Result under Training/Event.


- Cancellation: Cancellation must be made by Nov. 1st, Friday.


- No-show penalty: 20,000 KRW will be charged for no-show on the day of event after successfully registering for this program.


- Excused absence: Please check your schedule before signing up for this event since your absence from any of your classes will NOT be excused.


- Lunch menu: Bibimbap (Rice topped with a variety of vegetables, beef and egg) will be served for lunch. Please make sure to choose one of the following;

A. Original Bibimbap (with beef, egg and veggies)

B. Vegetarian Bibimbap (without beef and egg)


Please find the attachment for further details of the event.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Brianna Park (ms_park@kdischool.ac.kr) in the Student Affairs Division.

* This event is only for international students.



Student Affairs Division


  • pdf 첨부파일 2019 Global Friendship Tour.pdf (213.37KB / Download 274회) Download