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Events & Seminars

[Call for Applications] 2020 1st G20 Global Leadership Program (March 17th ~ 27th)

  • NameAn, Seyeong
  • Date2020-01-14 00:00
  • Hit8,447
  • Event Date 2020-01-14 ~ 2020-01-26

Dear KDI School Family,


We would like to inform you that the International Cooperation Division will be holding its G20 Global Leadership Program from March 17th to 27th in Korea. This program has been designed for experienced managers, practitioners and decision makers in their respective organization who will be working in some capacity as a leader, change agent, or facilitator in promoting global development or on G20 agenda-setting. We welcome all of applications from G20 countries and emerging countries.


[Introduction to the program]


1. What will we do?

The intensive two-week program will include an overview of Korea's development experiences, development policy and G20 agenda issues such as quality infrastructure, climate change & green growth, sustainable development, international trade, aging population, 4th industrial revolution and strengthening of the financial system.

The program also incorporates a field study tour to other parts of the Korean peninsula. In order to witness firsthand Korea’s development experiences, participants will be given an opportunity to visit key industrial and cultural sites. 


2. How to apply

Please find below the link to the online application

(Link via Google) https://forms.gle/cZ5gCAayfWtND356A


The application deadline for the program is January 26th, 2020.     


For more detailed information regarding the G20 Global Leadership Program, please refer to the attached materials for your information.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.


International Cooperation Division

International Cooperation and Capacity Building Department

Office of Development Research and International Cooperation

KDI School of Public Policy and Management 


** Those who have participated in the G20 Global Leadership Program or other ODA program funded by the KDI School of Public Policy and Management in the last two years will be considered as a contingent candidate when the applications are being reviewed.

  • pdf 첨부파일 G20 Global Leadership Program Leaflet.pdf (1.2MB / Download 357회) Download