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2020 Asian Approaches to Development Cooperation (AADC) Webinar Series (11/11~13)

  • NameKim,Chansol
  • Date2020-10-27 00:00
  • Hit743
  • Event Date 2020-11-11 ~ 2020-11-13

Across Asia, like other parts of the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has had significant implications for public health and safety, social and economic security, governance, and political stability. Many countries across Asia are facing challenges that impact their ability to contain the spread of the pandemic and the socio-economic crisis. In the face of such challenges, the Asian Approaches to Development Cooperation (AADC) aims to bolster Asia’s overall preparedness for the global pandemic by sharing the knowledge and responses to Covid-19 across the region and beyond. Organized jointly by KDI School of Public Policy and Management and The Asia Foundation, the AADC 2020 provides a forum for exchange of ideas among key international development experts in Asian nations on the changing landscape of international cooperation amidst and beyond Covid-19, producing recommendations to be shared with the public.


○ Topic: Changing Landscape of Development Cooperation Amidst and Beyond Covid-19 in Asia

 Date: 2020.11.11. (Wed.) ~ 11.13. (Fri.) 3:00pm ~ 4:30pm Online Seminar

Format: Webinar ( Total 3 Session, Participation is optional for each session )

○ Session

  • Session 1 (11/11, 15:00 - 16:30 KST)

New demands and dynamics of official development assistance and/or South-South cooperation on Asian developing countries during Covid-19


  • Session 2 (11/12, 15:00-16:30  KST)

Non-state actor's growing roles in response to Covid-19


  • Session 3 (11/13, 15:00 - 16:30 KST)

Asia's multilateralism beyond Covid-19


*If you have not received the Zoom link after the registration, please check your spam mailbox.

*Please enter the registered email address and full name in English when connecting to Zoom.



Attachment: AADC 2020 Webinar Brochure.




KDI 국제정책대학원은 아시아재단과 함께 ‘2020 Asian Approaches to Development Cooperation (AADC) 국제 웨비나 시리즈: 코로나-19 시대, 아시아 개발협력의 변화’를 11월 11일부터 13일까지 개최합니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 참가자 모집을 위해 공지하오니 자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참조하여 주시기 바랍니다


○ 주제: 코로나-19 시대, 아시아 개발협력의 변화

           (Changing Landscape of Development Cooperation Amidst and Beyond Covid-19 in Asia)

일시: 2020년 11월 11일 수요일~11월 13일 금요일 (매일 오후 3:00~4:30)

형식: 온라인 세미나 (총 3개 세션 중 선택적 참여 가능)

○ 한-영 동시통역 제공

○ 세션

  • 세션1 (11/11, 15:00 - 16:30 KST)

코로나-19 시대 아시아 개도국에 대한 공적개발원조/남남협력의 새로운 변화

(New demands and dynamics of official development assistance and/or South-South cooperation on Asian developing countries during Covid-19)


  • 세션 2 (11/12, 15:00-16:30  KST)

코로나-19 대응하는 아시아 비정부 주체의 역할 증가

(Non-state actor's growing roles in response to Covid-19)


  • 세션 3 (11/13, 15:00 - 16:30 KST)

코로나-19 이후 아시아의 다자주의

(Asia's multilateralism beyond Covid-19)


*등록 후 Zoom 접속링크 확인 불가 시, 스팸 메일함을 확인해주세요.

*Zoom 접속 시 등록한 이메일 주소와 Full Name을 영어로 입력해 주세요.



첨부: AADC 2020 국제 웨비나 소개 브로셔 1부.

  • pdf 첨부파일 2020 Asian Approaches to Development Cooperation Webinar Brochure.pdf (316.54KB / Download 329회) Download