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[Youtube Streaming Now!] The 2nd International Conference of the Experiment Lab for Public Management Research (EXPMR)

  • NameKim,Chansol
  • Date2020-12-03 00:00
  • Hit698
  • Event Date 2020-12-03 ~ 2020-12-04

The Experiment Lab for Public Management Research (EXPMR) of the KDI School of Public Policy and Management invites you to our second international conference under the title of “Leading Experimental Research in the Asia-Pacific Region,” December 3-4, 2020. The virtual conference will focus on the topics of behavioral and experimental research in public policy and administration. Honorable professors Wook Sohn (KDI School), Anthony Bertelli (the Pennsylvania State University), James Perry (Indiana University), Richard Walker (City University of Hong Kong), and MJ Moon (Yonsei University) will lead two plenary sessions. Eminent scholars worldwide will lead six panels about behavioral public policy and administration in the comparative contexts and discuss leading experimental research conducted in the Asia-Pacific region.


• Date: 3rd (Thu.) - 4th (Fri.), December 2020 (KST)

• Online Participation Only

• Contact: KDI School Research Planning Division (odric.rpd@gmail.com)

• YOUTUBE Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/KDISchoolofPublicPolicyandManagement


Attachment 1. 2nd EXPMR Conference Booklet  

                   2. 2nd EXPMR Conference Web Invitation

  • pdf 첨부파일 2nd EXPMR Conference Booklet.pdf (1.7MB / Download 379회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 2nd EXPMR Conference Web Invitation.pdf (197.75KB / Download 316회) Download