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Events & Seminars

Register for the Alumni Research Seminar! (~12/15)

  • NameKim,Chansol
  • Date2020-12-11 00:00
  • Hit639
  • Event Date 2020-12-11 ~ 2020-12-15

Greetings from KDI School of Public Policy and Management,


As a way of enhancing alumni’s research capacity as well as to expand its network with both academic and research-based institutions, KDI school held a research proposal competition from last year. 

We have contacted our international alumni last year who work in research-related fields and received project ideas to collaborate with. 
After an internal review, several proposals have been selected to be carried out with the School's financial support. A list of successful proposals includes :

- Relation between the school feeding program and educational outcomes of primary students in Bangladesh;
- Network labeling optimization for hidden population size estimation;
- Evaluating economic impact of industrial part development in Ethiopia; and
- Impact evaluation of land record management information system in Punjab, Pakistan. 


With the 1st round of alumni cooperation projects are heading to the end, we are opening the research seminar as one of the final process to share their research journey with the current student of KDIS and the other alumni who might be the future collaborators. 


■ Pre-registration
    ♦ Please register until December 15th, 2020 by following link below 
    ♦ There are four different QR codes that present different seminars (e.g. countries and schedules). 
    ♦ The confirmation of your registration and detailed information regarding of seminars will be informed before the seminar


            12/16 (Wed)

              12/18 (Fri)


Abu Bakkar Siddique



 Mostafa Amir Sabbih



       Inayat Ullah 



Workenh Eshatuu Sime



For more information, please contact KDI School Research Planning Division. 
(odric.rpd@gmail.com, Hana Choi, 044-550-1071)