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Events & Seminars

[Call for Applications] 2021 GDLN Blended Learning Program

  • NameKim, SooEun
  • Date2021-02-04 00:00
  • Hit1,026
  • Event Date 2021-02-04 ~ 2021-02-22

We would like to announce the launch of the KDI School’s 2021 GDLN Blended Learning ProgramEducation and Human Resource Development in the Era of a New Normal.


The Distance Learning Seminar Series of the Blended Learning Program will consist of eight GDLN videoconference seminars taught by KDI School faculty, experts in the field, practitioners, and guest speakers.

Who Should Attend 
The Blended Learning Program at KDI School is intended for experienced managers, general development practitioners and stakeholders who are currently involved in the education or HRD development area. 
Application Process
Please submit an online application via the link below by no later than Monday February 22, 2021
Application link:  2021 GDLN Blended Learning Program Application
Due to COVID-19, all eight videoconferences will be hosted on the Zoom Webinar. Participants are encouraged to access the online live seminar through the zoom link KDI School will send every week. 

Applicants must register and attend all eight sessions of the Distance Learning Seminar Series in order to be eligible to apply for the face-to-face training program in Korea. Please note that the face-to-face training program will be confirmed pending COVID-19 circumstances and travel restrictions

Please find attached the program brochure.


Contact Information
KDI School of Public Policy and Management 
263 Namsejong-Ro, Sejong-Si, 339-007, Korea 
Grace Kim
GDLN Coordinator 
Tel: +82-44-550-1252
Email: se_kim@kdischool.ac.kr


  • pdf 첨부파일 2021 GDLN Blended Learning Program Brochure.pdf (4.8MB / Download 353회) Download