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Events & Seminars

Gongju City Tour (October 22) (revised)

  • NameAhn, Sehui
  • Date2021-10-20 00:00
  • Hit857
  • Event Date 2021-10-20 ~ 2021-10-22

Dear KDI School Students,


There will be Gongju City Tour on this Friday. This trip will guide you to the history of Baekje: one of the three ancient kingdoms that once shared the Korean Peninsula. There will be a guided tour at Tomb of King Mureyong and a free exploration at Gonsanseong Fortress. Check out the below links for more information, and if you would like to join us, there will be on-site registration for the afternoon trip.


▶Tomb of King Muryeong:


▶Gongsanseong Fortress:



<Event Schedule: October 22, 2021, Friday>






9:20 – 9:50

? Travel to Tomb of King Muryeong


10:00 – 11:00

? Guided tour at Tomb of King Muryeong

11:00 – 11:05

? Travel to Gonsanseong Fortress

11:05 – 12:00

? Free exploration at Gongsanseong Fortress

12:00 – 12:30

? Travel to KDIS


13:20 – 13:50

? Travel to Tomb of King Muryeong

*On-site registration available

14:00 – 15:00

? Guided tour at Tomb of King Muryeong

15:00 – 15:05

? Travel to Gonsanseong Fortress

15:05 – 16:00

? Free exploration at Gongsanseong Fortress

16:00 – 16:30

? Travel to KDIS

*On-site registration: come to the bus in front of the dormitory at 13:20. Please bring your COVID19 Vaccination Certificate.


If you have questions, please contact Student Affairs Division at sh_ahn@kdischool.ac.kr or at 044-550-1253.

Thank you.