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Events & Seminars

KDI School-ADB-HKUST Asia Impact Evaluation Conference

  • NameJO,Yeesak
  • Date2021-12-06 00:00
  • Hit995
  • Event Date 2021-12-06 ~ 2021-12-10

Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you to KDI School-ADB-HKUST Asia Impact Evaluation Conference. 

Please find the following details for participation.  

With the 14 insights sessions, Professor Dean Yang (University of Michigan) and Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University) will deliver the keynote speech. 

Thank you.


▶ Date and Time : 09:50-16:35, December 9th - December 10th, 2021

▶ Operation : Online Conference via Zoom

▶ Registration : Fill in the registration form via the following link.

Register for the conference at https://hkust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkc-qrpzMsHdYgbVrvzonFaV1y_WQsEj2l
For detailed lists of sessions, please visit https://sites.google.com/view/2021impactevaluationconference/program

  • pdf 첨부파일 KDI Shcool-ADB-HKUST Asia Impact Evaluation Conference.pdf (67.12KB / Download 333회) Download