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[Alumni Working Partner Program] Ideas 4 Sustainability: 2nd Workshop Session on TOSSD

  • NamePR Division
  • Date2022-05-26 17:47
  • Hit3,637
  • PlaceOnline
  • Event Date 2022-06-08

Ideas for Sustainability (I4S) and KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDIS) are inviting you to join the Workshop Series on International Cooperation and SDGs.

I4S, which is the outcome of the 2022 KDIS Alumni Working Partner Program, is a global community of development practitioners interested in increasing everybody’s access to capacity-building, knowledge sharing and international cooperation opportunities to promote SDGs’ implementation in the Global South. 

June 2022's main online event is “Session 2: ”OECD’s TOSSD - International Mechanisms to track sustainable development projects" on Wednesday June 8th, 2pm~3pm KST. Our guest speaker is Camilo Gamba, Policy Analyst at OECD in charge of the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD), a new international standard for measuring the full array of resources in support of the 2030 Agenda. There, he works on outreach and policy to increase knowledge about TOSSD in the sustainable development community, focusing on the Global South.

This is a great way promote capacity-building among KDIS alumni and development practitioners on mechanisms to access international cooperation for SDGs. 


Register here to join and learn: https://forms.gle/r35GEoeeHMC12JWEA

Everybody is invited! You can share this invitation among your colleagues and friends (even if they didn't study at KDIS.)


The I4S Team

