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KDI School 25th Anniversary Slogan Contest (available to apply)

  • Name최고관리자
  • Date2022-08-01 15:44
  • Hit6,133
  • Event Date 2022-08-08 ~ 2022-09-02

The year 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of KDI School.

In celebration of this meaningful anniversary, we invite anyone interested in KDI School to enlist their creativities to come up with a slogan, which reflects on the past, present, and future of KDI School, as well as its mission and vision.

The period for submitting slogans is from August 8 (Mon) to September 2 (Fri), 2022. The best slogan will be used for KDI School’s various promotion activities, including the upcoming commemorative ceremony on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of KDI School establishment.

The screening period for the slogan contest is from September 5 (Mon) to 30 (Fri), 2022. The winners of the slogan contest will be announced through the KDI School website on October 3 (Mon), 2022. The prize money shall be given to the top three winners (KRW 2,000,000 for 1st place/ KRW 1,000,000 for 2nd place/ KRW 500,000 for 3rd place).

The slogan (in English), along with the entry form must be submitted HERE.

For further inquiry, please feel free to contact KDI School Public Relations Division (82-44-550-1190).

- Who can apply: Anyone interested in KDI School is welcome to apply

- Application Period: August 8 (Mon) ~ September 2 (Fri), 2022

- How to Apply: Click the 'Slogan Contest' banner on the KDI School website

- Word Limit: Under 10 words (Only in English)

- Winner Announcement: The result will be posted on the KDI School website on October 3 (Mon)

- Winner Awards: 1st prize (KRW 2,000,000); 2nd prize (KRW 1,000,000); 3rd prize (KRW 500,000)

 *Winners must attend the 25th anniversary event in Sejong, '22.12.5 (Mon).

 ** Travel and accommodation, including airfares, will be supported within the limits of the budget.

- Inquiry: KDI School Public Relations Division (82-44-550-1190)

 * Scan the QR code for more information

Please find the attached guideline file below for more details.

- 응모자격: 대학원에 관심 있는 누구나

- 응모기간: 2022년 8월 8일(월) ~ 9월 2일(금)

- 응모방법: KDI대학원 홈페이지 '슬로건 공모전' 배너 클릭 후 구글폼 접수

- 슬로건 규격: 영문 10단어 이내 (오직 영문만 응모 가능)

- 당선작 발표: 2022년 10월 3일(월), KDI대학원 홈페이지 고지

- 시상내역: 최우수상 (200만원), 우수상 (100만원), 장려상 (50만원)

- 기타문의: KDI대학원 홍보팀 (044-550-1190)

Click here to apply / 구글폼 등록하기

  • pdf 첨부파일 25th Anniversary Slogan Contest Guidelines(ENG).pdf (59.8KB / Download 712회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 대학원 개교25주년 기념 슬로건 공모전 안내문(KOR).pdf (151.84KB / Download 542회) Download