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Events & Seminars

[Working Partner Program] Ideas 4 Sustainability: 6th Workshop on World Politics - SDG 16

  • NamePR Division
  • Date2022-10-19 14:48
  • Hit937
  • Event Date 2022-10-21

Ideas for Sustainability(I4S) and KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDIS) are inviting you to join the Workshop Series on International Cooperation and SDGs.

I4S is a global community of development practitioners interested in increasing everybody’s access to capacity-building, knowledge sharing and international cooperation opportunities to promote SDGs’ implementation in the Global South. It has been created by the outcome of the 2022 KDIS Alumni Working Partner Program.

This month's main online event is “Session 6: ”SDG 16 - World Politics. Political situation in Asia and around the world" on Friday, October 21st 2022, 4pm~5pm KST.  Our guest speaker is Iskander Kylbayev,  Chief Research Fellow at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KazISS).  Mr. Kylbayev  holds multiple prestigious fellowships at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, Harvard Davis Center’s Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA), Asia Society, Atlantic Council, CSIS Pacific Forum, and Rumsfeld Foundation. He is a frequent commentator at the Diplomat, Foreign Policy, Al Jazeera, BBC, and TRT World media platforms.                                                                


This is a great way promote capacity-building among KDIS alumni and development practitioners on mechanisms to access international cooperation for SDGs. 

Register here to join and learn:


For any questions, please contact Ivonne Andrea Ramos Héndez (2020 MPM).
