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Events & Seminars

2022 African Development Bank Recruiting Info Session (Revised)

  • Name학생지원팀
  • Date2022-11-09 15:16
  • Hit1,338
  • PlaceLincoln Hall
  • Event Date 2022-11-18

2022 African Development Bank(AfDB) Recruiting Info Session will be held on November 18, 2022, Friday, 11:00-13:00. For those who are considering a career in multilateral development bank, this event will be an opportunity to gain first hand information from executives.


11:00-12:00 : AfDB Recruiting Info Session

12:00-13:00 : CV Consultation(*)

*bring CV for a consultation


Offline: Lincoln Hall (4F)

Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84194743060?pwd=Z0hwZHJ4Z2hjSm13M0d4dURONXpwdz09

Please contact Student Affairs Division (at 044-550-1253 or at sh_ahn@kdischool.ac.kr) if you have any questions.

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