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Events & Seminars

[Working Partner Program] Ideas 4 Sustainability: 7th Workshop on Climate Data

  • NamePR Division
  • Date2022-12-14 09:18
  • Hit895
  • PlaceOnline
  • Event Date 2022-12-16

Ideas for Sustainability(I4S) and KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDIS) are inviting you to join the Workshop Series on International Cooperation and SDGs.

I4S is a global community of development practitioners interested in increasing everybody’s access to capacity-building, knowledge sharing and international cooperation opportunities to promote SDGs’ implementation in the Global South. It has been created by the outcome of the 2022 KDIS Alumni Working Partner Program.

This month's main online event is Session 7:"Relevance of climate data: effectiveness and efficiency of data readiness" on Friday, December 16 202210pm~11pm KST.Our guest speaker is Christina Humtsoe, Results and Management Consultant at the Green Climate Fund.  Through the Readiness Programme, countries may access capacity-building support for NDAs that have not yet received such support or are in the process of building strong NDA offices. This is an area where standardized support can be provided and where learning and collaboration among NDAs is suitable based on results to date.                            
This is a great way promote capacity-building among KDIS alumni and development practitioners on mechanisms to access international cooperation for SDGs. 

Register here to join and learn:                                                

For any questions, please contact Ivonne Andrea Ramos Héndez (2020 MPM).