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Recruiting for members of 2nd [Sejong Friends]

  • Name학생지원팀
  • Date2022-12-21 09:41
  • Hit763
  • Event Date 2022-12-19 ~ 2022-12-25

세종특별자치시 제2기 글로벌 홍보단 "세종프렌즈" 모집 공고


글로벌 홍보단 "세종프렌즈"는 외국인이 소셜미디어를 통해 세종시를 외국인에게 홍보하는 사업으로, 선발된 외국인은 세종시 명소, 각종 인프라 및 자연환경 등을 배경으로 콘텐츠를 제작하고 홍보하게 됩니다.



Recruiting for members of 2nd Sejong Friends


Program "Sejong Friends" is for the group of foreigners who are to create and share content on social media to show off Sejong City's charms to the world. Apply now for a chance to become a member of "Sejong Friends".


How many to be recruited : 10 People



- Foreigners greatly interested in Sejong City

- Active users of SNSs who satisfy at least one criteria below

* Number of followers, neighbors(Facebook, Blog, Instagram) : at least 100

Number of Subscribers(Youtube) : at least 50

- Skilled content creators with video, photo or writing


Application Period : December 19, 2022 ~ December 25, 2022


How to apply : Via Sejong City's Website




Selection Announcement : December 27, 2022

* The result will be notified via SMS individually


Program Duration : January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023


Basic Principle of Content Creation

- You can freely choose theme(topic), type of content(video, photo and writing) as long as you have Sejong City as the background such as attractions, public facilities and natural environment.

* e.g.) visiting tourist attractions, v-logs or completion of a mission requested by followers

* Every content should be basically made in English.(additional postings with other languages are allowed)



- Rewards to be paid depending on size, duration, quality and public response of the content

- The most active participant will be recommended as a competitor for 2023 Honorary Citizens Award of Sejong City

- Priority will be awarded to the most active participants to be selected again next year


Inquiries : nanikan1@korea.kr(International Affairs Team, Sejong City)


  • hwp 첨부파일 글로벌 홍보단 모집공고문(국문, 영문).hwp (71.5KB / Download 295회) Download