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2023 International Seminar on Management for Development Results

  • Name연구기획팀
  • Date2023-11-06 14:58
  • Hit2,450
  • PlaceKoreana Hotel Diamond Hall(2F), Seoul
  • Event Date 2023-11-14 ~ 2023-11-15

<2023 International Seminar on Managing for Development Results: Unified Diversity for Restoration: Collaborative Local Efforts for Climate Change>

It is our pleasure to extend an invitation to the upcoming <2023 International Seminar on Managing for Development Results: Unified Diversity for Restoration: Collaborative Local Efforts for Climate Change>.

The seminar is to be held for two days, from Tuesday, November 14th to Wednesday, November 15th at the Koreana Hotel, Seoul.

Please refer to the following details and attached program for further information. We look forward to meeting you all at the event.

---------- About the Seminar ---------- 

 ▶ Title: '2023 International Seminar on Managing for Development Results'

          Unified Diversity for Restoration: Collaborative Local Efforts for Climate Change

 ▶ Date: 2023.11.14(Tue) 09:00-16:00 / 2023.11.15.(Wed) 09:00-16:30 

 ▶ Venue: Koreana Hotel Diamond Hall(2F), Seoul 

 ▶ Official Websitehttps://www.2023mfdr.com

 ▶ Registration Linkhttps://forms.gle/tKtNW12DZbjoTGGH7

 ▶ Due Date~ by Thursday, Nov.9th, 23:59

 ▶ Transportation: A bus ride between Sejong-Seoul will be arranged by the school for each day / Accommodation will not be provided.

 ▶ Meals: Lunch and dinner will be provided for all registered participants


We hope that this event can serve as an valuable opportunity to interact with distinguished practitioners in the field and engage in open communication with fellow experts from diverse regions across the globe. Thank you in advance for your interest and contributions.

* * *

<KDI대학원-ADB-AfDB 공동 성과중심 개발정책 관리체계(MfDR) 국제세미나 개최>

오는 11월 14()부터 11월 15()까지 서울 코리아나호텔에서 개최되는 'KDI대학원-ADB-AfDB 공동 성과중심 개발정책 관리체계(MfDR) 국제세미나' Unified Diversity for Restoration: Collaborative Local Efforts for Climate Change>와 관련하여 아래와 같이 안내드리오니 많은 관심과 참석 부탁드립니다. 자세한 행사일정 및 내용은 첨부의 프로그램을 참조하여 주십시오.

---------- 행사개요 ---------- 

 ▶ 행사명: 'KDI대학원-ADB-AfDB 공동 성과중심 개발정책 관리체계(MfDR) 국제세미나'

            Unified Diversity for Restoration: Collaborative Local Efforts for Climate Change

 ▶ 일시: 2023.11.14.(화), 09:00-16:00 / 2023.11.15.(수), 09:00-16:30 

 ▶ 장소: 서울 코리아나 호텔 다이아몬드홀(2F)

 ▶ 행사홈페이지https://www.2023mfdr.com

 ▶ 사전등록https://forms.gle/tKtNW12DZbjoTGGH7

 ▶ 사전등록기한~ 11.9.(목), 23:59까지

 ▶ 교통편: 양일 동안 세종-서울 간 왕복 교통편 지원 (대학원에서 집합 후 버스로 이동 예정) / 숙박 불가

 ▶ 식사: 중식, 석식 제공


금번 행사를 통해 국가별 정책담당자의 이야기를 청취하고유관분야의 전문가들과 자유롭게 교류하는 등 유익한 자리가 되기를 희망하오니 학생 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드리겠습니다.


  • pdf 첨부파일 2023 MfDR International Seminar Program.pdf (2.15MB / Download 188회) Download