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2023 Student Forum Symposium (Nov. 24 14:00)

  • Name학생지원팀
  • Date2023-11-13 11:21
  • Hit2,023
  • PlaceLincoln Hall
  • Event Date 2023-11-24

Greetings from the Student Affairs Division.

The Student Affairs Division would like to announce that the '2023 Student Forum Symposium: Exploring Academic Endeavors and Research Insights' will be held on November 24, at 14:00, at the Lincoln Hall.

Our six student forums will introduce their objectives and present their various activities throughout this year.

To those who want to attend the event may register through the QR code in the poster or the link below:

Attendees will have their chance to ask questions during the Q&A session after each forum's presentation.
Moreover, light refreshments will be provided to the students who pre-register by next Friday.

- Inquiry : Mr. Si Hyun Jung (sh_jung@kdischool.ac.kr)

Thank you.