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[Saudi Arabia MEP Special Lecture] 사우디아라비아 경제기획부 특강 (Dec.14 12:20 @ Lincoln Hall_4F)

  • Name연구기획팀
  • Date2023-12-08 17:57
  • Hit10,074
  • PlaceKDI국제정책대학원 링컨홀(KDI School Lincoln Hall)
  • Event Date 2023-12-14
We are delighted to extend a cordial invitation to an exclusive special lecture of the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Economy and Planning.
Event Details: 
Lecture Title: Economic Productivity as a Lever of Economic Growth
Presenter: Dr. Fahad Alhumaidah (Deputy Minister for Strategic Planning and Organizational Excellence, Saudi Arabia MEP)
Date: December 14th (Thu.), 2023 / 12:20~13:00
Venue: KDI School Lincoln Hall(4F)
Application Deadline: December 12th (Tue.) 17:00 P.M
  Application link: https://forms.gle/MFhGRPQSQDms7mVYA
  - Lunch boxes will be distributed from 11:30 for those who apply during the application period.
  - On-site registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis. (Lunch will not be guaranteed for on-site registration)
Contact: Mr. Dabin Jeong (044-550-1055), Research Planning Division

안녕하세요, KDI대학원 연구기획팀입니다.
사우디아라비아 경제기획부 특강에 초대하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
• 강의주제: Economic Productivity as a Lever of Economic Growth
• 발표자: Dr. Fahad Alhumaidah (Deputy Minister for Strategic Planning and Organizational Excellence, Saudi Arabia MEP)
• 일시: 2023.12.14() / 12:20~13:00
• 장소: KDI대학원 링컨홀(4F)
• 사전 신청 기한: 20231212() 오후 17:00까지
• 비고
  - 강의는 영어로 진행되며, -영 동시통역이 제공됨
  - 사전 신청자에 한해 11:30부터 도시락 배포
  - 현장 접수 가능하며 도시락 제공 여부는 당일 여분에 따라 결정
• 문의: KDI대학원 연구기획팀 정다빈(044-550-1055)
 사전신청 링크: https://forms.gle/MFhGRPQSQDms7mVYA