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2024 KDIS Special Lecture #6 (June 24)

  • Name교육혁신팀
  • Date2024-06-12 16:29
  • Hit3,427
  • PlaceKDI SCHOOL S202 (2F)
  • Event Date 2024-06-24

<2024 KDIS Special Lecture #6>

- Date: June 24 (Mon) 14:30~16:00

- Venue: KDI SCHOOL S202 (2F)

- Speaker: Professor Brian An (Georgia Tech School of Public Policy)

- Title: Systemic Inequity or Random Events? Neighborhood-Level Analysis of Power Outages Using Real-Time Data

- Remarks: Ph.D. students from Georgia Tech School will be attending together, making it a great opportunity to communicate with them!

- RSVP: https://forms.gle/GjmmtidARWCVHA978

* To secure your place, please RSVP by June 19.

※ Questions : Learning Innovation Division (tld@kdis.ac.kr)