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Racism Vs Human Rights (Daniel T)

  • Name인권센터
  • Date2022-06-28 15:29
  • Hit866

Researched by Daniel T


- Thin content was written by KDI Human Rights Supporters, and the content may differ from the official opinion of the Human Rights Center.


What does Racism mean? Racism is when somone is discriminated against(singled out) because of their race, the colour of their skin, their nationality, their accent or first language, or their ethnic or national origin.

What forms can racism take? : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조

What forms can racism take?

  1. 1. Physical assault and harassment
  2. 2. Verbal abuse - threats, name calling
  3. 3. Visual - racist propaganda such as posters, notices or graffiti
  4. 4. Incitement of others to behave in a racist manner
  5. 5. Segregation - exclusion, isolation, refusal to cooperrate because of their colour, ethnicity, religion or language barrier
  6. 6. Cyber - Using social media/DM to promote or incite racism
  7. 7. Institutional racism which may (unintentionally) disadvantage less dominant ethnic and cultural groups - for example biased rules or curriculum

Racial Discrimination - abusive behavior towards members of another race; the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than others | Earl Warren, “...you can't wipe out racial discrimination by law, only through changing the hearts and minds of men”

Pyramid of Hate : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조
  1. 5. Genocide

    The deliberate, systematic extermination of an entire people

  2. 4. Violence

    Against property : Arson, Desecration / Against people : Threats, Assault, Terrrorism, Murder

  3. 3. Discrimination

    Employment, housing & educational discrimination, harassment, (hostile acts based on a person's race, religion nationality, sexual orientation and gender.)

  4. 2. Acts of Prejudice

    Name calling, ridicule, social avoidance, social exclusion, belittling jokes

  5. 1. Prejudiced Attitudes

    Accepting stereotypes, not challenging belittling jokes, scapegoating (assigning blame to people because of their group identity)

RACIAL PROFILING | Rand Paul : TEA PARTY PROTEST / WE CATER TO WHITE TRADE ONLY | NO : WE SERVE WHITE'S ONLY NO SPANISH OR MEXICANS | CUNS MEXICANS BLACKS - whites onlyI can't see any qualified applicants... | Prejudice, History, Ethno-centrism, Hidden racism, Self-image, DenialHuman rights are: Expressions of human dignity / A set of agreed values/norms reflecting the principles of dignity, equality and freedom / Legal standards and agreements-international and regional / Inherent to individuals, and primarily define the relationship between the individual and the State

Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Affirms: The inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family(Preamble) / All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights(Article 1) / Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Declaration, without distinction of any kind

Human rights law establishes States' obligations towards every person, including: non-citizens, irregular and smuggled migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, trafficked persons, suspected terrorists, stateless persons ...

WHAT CAN WE DO AS KDIS COMMUNITY? | Be preventative Foster a positive anti prejudice culture & ethos in KDIS Educate everyone concerned in order to address prejudice | Be responsive Recognise that there is an issue, take it seriously, challenge it, support the victim & report it | Advocate - ZERO TOLERANCE TO HATE CRIME





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