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[KULevuen]장학금 기회 및 여름학기 2주 프로그램안내(Korean Only)

  • CategoryStudent Notice
  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2016-12-19 11:13
  • Hit519

[KULeuven]장학금 기회 및 여름학기 2주 프로그램안내

벨기에에 위치하는 KU Leuven에서 2017/2018 장학금 기회 및 여름학기 2주 프로그램을 아래와 같이 공유하오니 관심있는 분들은 지원바랍니다. 자세한 사항은 링크 참조바라며, 추가 문의사항은 학생지원팀 박민아(044-550-1224, minah_pakr@kdischool.ac.kr)으로 연락바랍니다.  

 Master Minds Scholarship Link: https://www.kuleuven.be/english/international/funding/mastermind

  • Master Minds Scholarship 은 GLiMPSE Scholarship과 별개로 유럽 정부장학금으로 1)KU Leuven 개별 입학지원 2) KU Leuven 에서 선발하여 정부에 추천 과정을 통하여 위 장학프로그램 참여 가능합니다.

 → Europe Inside Out Summer School Link: http://feb.kuleuven.be/drc/AFI/misc/europecourse

  • 여름학기 2주 프로그램(기간: 2017년 7월 3일~16일, 14일)으로 Students from partner institutions-Early Bird(until Febr. 1)에 해당하는 등록비를 납부하고 참여가능합니다. 

We would like to draw your attention to interdisciplinary and international Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (MAES), which KU Leuven offer at the University of Leuven in Belgium.

Their programme is fully taught in English and offers five specialised modules – ‘European History, Diversity and Culture’, ‘EU External Relations’, ‘Globalising Europe’, ‘Europe-Asia’, and the new module ‘Russia, Wider Europe and the EU’. It builds on the expertise of professors from the Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, Law and Economics. Together with a wide range of elective courses, these modules allow students to tailor their academic profile according to their own personal background and career goals.
The University of Leuven has been ranked 40th worldwide and 5th in continental Europe by the Times Higher Education Survey in 2016/2017, reflecting KU Leuven’s position as one of Europe’s most prestigious and resourceful universities. KU Leuven is also the most innovative university in Europe according to the new Reuters ranking, which ensures state of the art education and research-based teaching are offered to all students.
During your studies in Leuven, students can take advantage of the many guest lectures of high-ranked European diplomats and officials (such as that of former European Council President Van Rompuy), of the visits to the European and transatlantic institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, and of excursions to the World War I battlefields and the historical cities of Flanders.
The internationalisation of the MAES programme is reflected in the nearly 40 nationalities represented in the student group, currently including students from seven Asian countries. We would be pleased to welcome even more Asian students during the next academic year. KU Leuven invites excellent students to apply for Master Minds Scholarship to study in the Master of European Studies. Furthermore, you may also be interested in our Europe Inside Out Summer School.
More information on the MAES programme, scholarships and the attractive tuition fees (an annual fee of € 3.500 for non-EU/EEA students, reflecting the Flemish government’s strong financial support to higher education) can be found on our website www.kuleuven.be/maes.