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(KDI Hiking Club) 9th hiking invitation

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-11-01 00:00
  • Hit269
Hi, everyone!!
This is Kevin.
Here is our last hiking~
Next hiking is on November 20(Sunday). We are going to Seonjaryung(Daekwangryung).

We have been to many mountains in or near Seoul.
This time we are going to Gangneung city which is 3.5 hrs away from Seoul.

We will use two cars(one rent car and willy's car). So only 14~16 people can join this hiking. And 4 seats are already occupied.
Hurry up. You may be the last participant!!
(9th) Seonjaryung Hiking!!!
-. Mountain : Seonjaryung in Gangneung
   * Ryung is an easier version of san(mountain). We have been to many sans so far. It's way easier than what we have done.
-. Net hiking hours : maximum 5 hrs.(6 hrs. including lunch)
-. When and where : November 20, 7:30AM, KDI main building lobby
   * Only people who will NOT be late can participate in this hiking trip.

-. What to bring : suitable shoes, lunch * 1.5(We may have very late dinner in Seoul or we may have dinner in Gangneung before we leave for Seoul. Thus we have to be ready for uncertain hunger),
                         participation fee 27,000 won(this will include a rent car, gas for two cars, toll fee, entrance fee of trail), some extra money for dinner(this will be about 15,000 ~ 20,000 won),
                         water, umbrella(optional), camera(optional), toiletries, sunblock, extra food for enegy(trailnuts, chocolate bars, etc.), etc.

-. How to register : 1)Send me email back to me at park7700@hotmail.com → 2)Pay 27,000 to me → 3)You are registered!!!(Until you finish payment, you are not registered.)
   * Refund may be tricky if you don't find a substitute.  

If you are going to join this hiking, please email me back with following information.
1. Name in full :
2. Are you going to be well-prepared for the hiking?(See ’what to bring’) : 

We will come back to Seoul at late night. I expect it would be at 9 ~ 11. It will depend where we will have dinner.
If you have any question, please feel free to ask.