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2012 KDIS Club Lists Information

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-12-03 00:00
  • Hit232
We’d like to inform you that 12 clubs have been approved for the 2012 KDI School Student Clubs. Please review the list below, and if you want to join in any of those clubs, please contact the representative of each club.     2012 CLUB Representative E-mail Regular Meeting 1 Taekwondo Club NGARAMBE, JEAN CLAUDE nr_claude@yahoo.com   2 Basketball Club FILIPPOV, ALEXEY alexey.philippov@yahoo.com   3 Christian Community LIKASA, Befekadu Mulatu befamul@gmail.com  - When: Every Friday Starting from 7:00- 8:30 p.m.
 - Where: Room 9205
4 KDIS United FC AKAC, Peter peterakac@gmail.com   5 Community for Future Financial Professionals JUN, Dumm  dunm.jun@gmail.com   6 English Anonymous GUEVARA, Maria Charmaine  macharmaineguevara@gmail.com   7 Badminton Club TOWETT , JULIUS CHERUIYOT cheru442002@yahoo.ca   8 KDIS Students Action JEON, IN JA  inging1122@hotmail.com   9 Photography Club KOCHONOVA, Aizhan  kochonova_a@yahoo.com   10 Discussion Club LEE, Jihye  ji-hey86@nate.com  - When : On Tue. Wed. Thurs.
 - Where: next to the KDI School snack bar(the study room made by glass)
11 Hiking Club MANGI, SANAULLAH sanamangipk@yahoo.co.uk   12 Spanish Club MUNOZ, Juan David judamuco@gmail.com       *A club should share all activity plans and documentation (pictures, reports, etc.) not only with the club members but with the entire school community, by posting the relevant documents on the “Club Board” of the KDI School website.